Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) Acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Narrm, the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present, and to Elders of all First Nations communities that visit MCEC.


VTIC and MCEC Join Forces to Support Thriving Future for Tourism and Events in Victoria

Victoria Tourism Industry Council (VTIC) and Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) have built a new industry partnership to support the tourism and business events sector, and its role in attracting national and international visitors to Victoria.

VTIC, Victoria’s peak tourism industry body, and MCEC, a Melbourne icon and Australia’s largest convention and exhibition space, are both advocates for Victoria’s tourism and events industry. Together, this year they will collaborate on leadership and development opportunities for the sector.

Felicia Mariani, CEO of VTIC, welcomes the partnership with MCEC. “MCEC is a key player in the delivery of conferences and events and has a crucial role to play in attracting visitors to Victoria. We are pleased to partner with MCEC and look forward to working together to support the return and growth of events and tourism in our state,” Ms Mariani said.

Natalie O’Brien AM, recently appointed CEO of MCEC, believes the partnership with VTIC offers a great platform to share knowledge, experience and a strategic approach to supporting tourism and events.

“Business events make a huge contribution to the Australian tourism sector, sometimes overlooked. Nationally, business events contribute around $36 billion to Australia’s economy. Pre-pandemic, MCEC alone contributed more than $1 billion to the Victorian economy, and we’re well on our way to that same level of impact,” Ms O’Brien said.

“This partnership with VTIC ensures we can continue to promote the role of business events and help foster talent development and leadership in the broader tourism space.”

An important aspect of the partnership is MCEC’s support in delivering VTIC’s Vision Summit 2023.

Vision Summit 2023, to be held at MCEC on 2 March 2023, will explore critical shifts in the tourism and events sector and also look to the future to determine how we maximise every opportunity on the horizon.

“Without a doubt, our industry in Victoria has rediscovered its mojo – Vision Summit 2023 will consider what Victoria can do to ensure we stay ahead of the pack in our resurgence to global positioning as a destination of choice in Australia,” said Felicia Mariani.

Tourism Australia, a major partner alongside MCEC of the Vision Summit 2023, will update the industry on data and insights relating to industry recovery, while Visit Victoria will outline how these trends will impact Victoria's strategies and initiatives. Other topics for the Summit include the importance of sustainability in destination choice, a key area of focus for MCEC, which has a sustainability strategy with a target to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030.

The VTIC-MCEC partnership also supports the sector by sharing knowledge and experience and developing skills and expertise to train our leaders of tomorrow.

“VTIC’s Melbourne Tourism Leadership Program is a valued program, developing effective leaders not only for businesses like MCEC but also for the wider industry. We have several graduates of the program and are delighted to be supporting its continued delivery,” Ms O’Brien said.